Monday, November 24, 2003

My craptastic day:
1. I woke up late owing to being up too late being a smart ass and chatting with Katherine.
2. My car wouldn't start and my mom had already left, so I had to call in to CLUES. Talk about making a great impression.
3. I realized that the paper for Ron's class that I THOUGHT was due tomorrow by noon was actually due today at noon. Got it done in four hours, whilst the next two disasters were happening.
4. My father phoned and told me that my dog is really sick and the vet can't figure out what's wrong. He came over to wait here because my house is closer to the vet. And yes, the last time I spoke to my father, we screamed at each other.
5. After dad got here, while I was STILL trying to finish the paper, my grandma called, asking when my mother was going to pick her up from the train depot, as she wanted to go home. I checked the caller ID: she was calling from her own room at the assisted facility. I told her this, but she didn't understand. I then spoke to one of the workers there, who kept her relatively calm while I called my mom and had her deal with it.
6. Sent off the paper at exactly noon. It is disjointed crap because I kept having to get up and deal with one crisis after another while writing it.
7. Waited. Waited. Waited. Vet called. She thinks that Molly has either liver or kidney problems. It could just be an infection, but there are spots on her liver that suggest lead poisoning, so realistically, she will probably die soon.
8. I tried to post this to my blog, but my computer won't connect to blogger or blogspot. Denny's computer in fucking KOREA will, but mine won't.


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