Sunday, January 25, 2004

I'm going to hell, and it's Chris's fault.

Was bored today. Mind numbingly bored. So bored I went back to sleep twice. So bored I emailed democratic party spam to Chris to see if he could decipher the truth behind it. I was just. Plain. Bored.

So was Chris.

We went to Evergreen, home of every imaginable fake meat. Had a two hour lunch, after which I decided that instead of going home to be BORED some more, I would go to open mic at Fifth Element with him (always the antithesis of BORED). There we ran into his undergrad friends.

After open mic, we went to a show at the entry. Where there is booze. Show was not very well hyped, crowd very small. Mr. Len bought shots.

I have not done a tequila shooter since fuckin' freshman year.

Here we get to Why I am Going to Hell. A., one of the undergrads, was in one of the intro courses I TAed for last year. She had never done a tequila shooter. She was sipping at it, at which point I told her "just down it. It tastes better if you only taste it once." At this point I realized: I'm so going to hell.

So yes. To hell in a fast car.

Also, I had a better time than I would have at any fucking wedding. :-P

EDIT: Also, there's a stamp on my hand that says "always wear clean undies." And "Milkshake" is fucking stuck in my head.


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