Friday, January 16, 2004

Spent my day in Duluth with Bill, after turning in the paper (finally!). Now that I'm back home, the "I could have said that better" blues have started, as they do any time I turn in something big. Oh, well. At least I had all day in Duluth before I went nuts.

We did a "back to undergrad" day, and puttered around Canal and downtown, then Fitgers, and finally the mall. I braved the snobs at Electric Fetus to buy local music, which makes me happy. Also finally found the book that I wanted and spent my B&N gift card on it.

Came home, checked things online (if I get one more damn piece of spam from the Democratic party I'll scream), and will now go read before passing out. I can't believe I have to go back to school on Tuesday. Hope the bookstore's open tomorrow...


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