Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Woo hoo!
1. The doctor re-did the x-rays, and suspicious spots are gone from dog's liver!!!! (Though she still has an unidentified mass in her belly).
2. I FINALLY managed to get my school web-site set up.
3. Started potentially having some clue as to where my edu-ma-cation is going... accidentally, but there you go.

So, once again, my mouth has a mind of its own. I was completely hating school today, so in true reaction formation, instead of quitting like I really badly wanted to, I made an appointment with my advisor. Then, I went to talk to a prof re: what the hell I'm doing on a project. THEN, even though I've only been kicking around the idea, and have no clue as to whether or not I completely SUCK in this class, I asked if this paper isn't something I could work into a masters paper. Reaction formation, man; when you feel like dropping out of life, get busier.


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