Friday, December 12, 2003

Katherine and I are procrastinating the writing of our methods papers:

CJ: what did you ddecide on for your lit review?

Katherine: monkeys!

Or, um, I found this article about different forms of stratificaion by Shapiro that will be good, and I may draw in some Marx, too.

CJ: MONKEYS! I vote for MONKEYS!!!

Katherine: Sure, I can write about stratification in the monkey culture. I'm okay with that.

CJ: LOL excellent. sociology of monkeys: getting back to our roots

Katherine: Hehe, sounds better than the food shelf to me! I bet I could write more convincingly about it, too.

CJ: as I enter the pen, Bobo looks up, apparently startled by the clanging of the gate -- his eyes go wide and his shoulders tense. seeing my Zoo uniform, he approaches slowly, one branch at a time, from the third tree on the right. Jojo then turns from the rope swing, sees Bobo approaching me, and quickly walks over to me, looking up at me with lips pursed and eyes wide. His front leg gropes the outside of my pocket, finding the banana in it through the fabrick of my jacket.

Katherine: Okay, if you replaced key words in that, and it wasn't monkeys, it could be porn.

CJ: HAHAHAHAHA, can't stop laughing

CJ: porn, fieldnotes... the good times are when you can't tell the difference

Katherine: Hahaha! Yes. When porn and fieldnotes sound the same, you are the best ethnographer ever.

CJ: also, you have the best fieldsite ever

Katherine: Hehe, yes. Though that may only be achieved with primates.

CJ: I don't know, have we checked out Kinsey?

Katherine: Heh, not yet!

CJ: ooo... a niche!

Katherine: It will be ours!

CJ: Sexnographers, us

Sociologists are kind of twisted.


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