Will these stupid people ever shut their mouths? The American Life League is once again trying to call the morning-after pill an abortificant. The problem: any doctor will tell you that Plan B will NOT terminate an already implanted pregnancy. That's right, it will only prevent pregnancy if it has not already occurred. This is why they say that the earlier you take it, the more likely it is to work.
The claim that Plan B "takes the life of a newly conceived baby" is ridiculous, even by the standards of the most radical pro-life rhetoric. I've been in some heated discussions about what exactly constitutes a life, some of which illustrated just how grey much of the area of debate is. Never have I heard as-yet-unjoined gametes referred to as a life. A few folk have argued the "every sperm is sacred" line of thinking, but never has preventing fertilization been phrased as murder. Sinful, maybe, but not murderous.
So, the moral of the story is this: clearly, I need to stay away from people who paid no attention in biology class. This is not good for the blood pressure.
The claim that Plan B "takes the life of a newly conceived baby" is ridiculous, even by the standards of the most radical pro-life rhetoric. I've been in some heated discussions about what exactly constitutes a life, some of which illustrated just how grey much of the area of debate is. Never have I heard as-yet-unjoined gametes referred to as a life. A few folk have argued the "every sperm is sacred" line of thinking, but never has preventing fertilization been phrased as murder. Sinful, maybe, but not murderous.
So, the moral of the story is this: clearly, I need to stay away from people who paid no attention in biology class. This is not good for the blood pressure.
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