Whee, crappy internet quizzes!
You scored as Anarchism.
What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In? created with QuizFarm.com |
Jon, you've got to take this one just to see how piss poorly it's worded. One of the questions is "are you an ecologist?" which I'm pretty sure meant "do you give a rat's hiney about the environment?" but I had to say No anyway because I'm NOT an ecologist. I have no background in ecology. I look at trees and say, "hello, tree, you are a lovely and welcome sight" rather than, "oh, you poor thing, your taproot seems to have been degraded by H2OCO2 compounds from that chemical plant up the road." (Yes, I know exactly what not H2O and CO2 are, and that that compound is either physically impossible or unlikely to hurt trees. Or possibly both. I were a collige stoodent.)
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