Sunday, October 19, 2003

Really Fucked Up Shit: When your father doesn't remember your birthday, but the random guy you've spoken to a whole three times does.

This complicates life in so many ways. I was all set for him not to call back, so that I wouldn't have to make any decisions about whether or not to see him. Now I'm right back to the old "he's kinda cute... but he's 39 years old!!!!" thing. This isn't just a random age hangup. It presents serious power issues, as I have a bad habit of associating age with authority.

Also, I hate dating.

Also... yeah, you all know about that. And that's a big "also." Possibly the deal-breaking also. I'm not exactly looking for twoo wuv, but it still seems unfair... eh, fuck it.

I'm no longer making any sense.

Moving on...

Had a great b-day evening, thanks to Trina, who wouldn't let me ignore it. Had yummy food and good company, then played Trivial Pursuit until one in the morning. Al's new name is Pearl, Greg is Ruby, and Chris is Dotty (short for Peridot). These gems courtesy of Trina misunderstanding my threat to make Al smell like a girl.

As for Trivial Pursuit, for once I was on the winning team -- they made me a team captain and let me choose first; how was I NOT gonna take Chris and Katherine for my team? Most interesting this evening was the sheer number of questions for which the answer was "Jose Conseco." Dude just pops up everywhere. (For those who did not attend: Al started it by deadpanning "Jose Conseco" as a fake answer to one of the questions that we got wrong. It was utterly ridiculous.).

Now, I must get my sad ass to bed. I stopped making sense about two hours ago.


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