Sunday, March 28, 2004

Played our second installment of the D&D campaign today. Mostly combat, so aside from leading off with a really serendipitous sleep spell my character had not much to do.

This weekend is rather of teh suck, except on the crafty front. Much stress and general life angst was had, but much crochet was done. Crochet seems to be my current anti-anxiety drug. Not very useful when trying to get things other than crochet finished.

The mother is still in the city of Lost Wages. I pick her up from the airport tomorrow night, so I suppose running the dishwasher wouldn't be unheard of. I should probably think about laundry first, though -- last night I was forced to dress up due to lack of clean slob gear.

Ah, last night. Jon, next time we start talking about how the free food will probably be worth the general awfulness of department functions, bring up last night. One of the prospectives would absolutely not stop pressing me for more information on my dissertation topic. Naturally, the hitch there is that I DON'T HAVE A DISSERTATION TOPIC. I was very close to asking why she thought I was lying to her. And what's up with this telling me who to work with shit? I didn't KNOW any of these people. They certainly don't know more than two sentences about me. If they think playing academic Ann Landers is in any way endearing, they're a few film reels short of a whole porn flick.

Why yes, I am grumpy. Why do you ask?


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