Tuesday, October 05, 2004


The men in my mother's family have this problem. They can't feel confident unless they believe that they're making someone afraid. If they disagree with you, they're not happy with respectful disagreement and a statement of their respective positions. They must attack you verbally, make it clear that because you disagree with them you are morally corrupt, make a straw-man out of your point of view instead of arguing their own, and make sure that everyone watching knows that, should they dare to disagree, they will have it much worse than you did.

It's really creepy how much Head Dick reminds me of one of my uncles right now.

Dear Dick,
Saying "I can respond, but it's gonna take more than thirty seconds" and "there's so many inaccuracies, I don't know where to start" is cheap. It wastes your valuable response time, and suggests that you think merely making that statement should be enough to sway the viewers to your side. That's not how it works. You are not chief authority on everything, and we don't automatically believe all of your arrogant blanket statements, no matter how hard you bully us with the specter of "disrespecting the troops." You have to make your case just like the other guy.

Bush did better than this, you arrogant fuckwad. He at least tried to make an argument. Please deal with your entitlement issues in private.
No love,


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