Monday, October 11, 2004


Have done sweet fuck all since coming home from swimming this evening. Poossibly this is due to not being able to lift arms above head. Haven't been swimming enough lately.

I spent most of today in transit, bouncing from place to place while reading a very good book that won't come up in class for another four weeks. Good show, CJ. You'll notice, though, that nothing that needs to be done THIS WEEK actually is.

Except for the planning of the b-day festivities. Reservations have been made, invitations emailed. If you read this, are in Minneapolis, and feel that your lack of invitation is distinctly unjust, that is probably because I don't keep an address book like a normal person, and thus had to rely on my own mental abilities to invite all of my local friends. In short, drop me an email and I'll send you the details.

OK, I'm off to bed so as to get up early and do work that actually needs to be done this weekend. G'night!


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