Wednesday, October 13, 2004


It's no secret that I think Bush will win this election, and that this will be detrimental in some way. I'm not sure which way I think it will be detrimental, though. I'm pretty scared about the prospect of a bunch of Kentucky Fried Christians being appointed to the Supreme Court, because I like my right to control whether or not I pop out the puppies. (Fun fact: the guy in charge of Operation Rescue is against BC but favors condoms because men are in charge of using them. But really, it's not about women's rights, it's about religious freedom. What the fuck ever.)

Notably, I don't fear any greater level of terrorism on these shores. That's not to say that I think it won't happen; rather, I think that, as horrible as OKC, the first WTC bombing, and 9/11 were, this is not our main domestic security concern. Presently, one of the neighborhoods in which I spent time growing up is beset by violent crime. This is an area that was considered fairly safe when I was hanging out there, but is now Murder Central for Minneapolis. It was once a working class neighborhood, but is now increasingly inpoverished. While it's been a few years since my crim. degree, I do seem to remember unemployment and underemployment being associated with rising crime rates. The types of jobs that would benefit this area don't even cross Bush's radar. Even when new jobs are created, they are not geographically or educationally accessible to the people in places that need them most. This threat from within -- within our borders, within our own economic and political agendas -- is a bigger threat than foreign terrorists.

I'm not sure what else I can actually see happening over the next four years. I've seen people paint the picture of destruction of natural resources, which I can kind of see but don't know enough about current legislation to speak to. And I've seen rambling about this being our last election for awhile, but I tend to think that's a Democtatic scare tactic, akin to saying that if Kerry's elected terrorists will attack again.

So. Whaddya think? What'll happen over the next four years? And on a related note, what the hell is up with Mark Dayton?


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