Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What's next?

It's the West Wing term for "I'm over it, let's move on": what's next?

For starters, I'm sending a get well card to Justice Renquist. Frankly, if we manage to rearrange SCOTUS too much over the next four years, I'm simply giving up reproductive sex altogether, or at least until I'm back in a country that recognizes my body as my own territory. I'm sure this statement would carry a lot more weight if I had any kind of sex life to begin with, procreative or otherwise.

I'm also not making any immediate plans to leave the country. This is my home. I tend to do a lot of leaving home, so I probably won't live here forever, but I'm not being driven out by a citizenry that's addicted to fear and convinced that their religion is now the National religion.

I'm going to look for ways to change our toxic political culture (what is culture in this sentence? Er, sorry. Kathy's class is getting to me). I know that we can find a way to help foster a political space that values inclusion and reason rather than blind nationalism and the destruction of this year's "enemy." A more daunting task is finding a way to encourage people to gauge economic success by the state of the poorest of the population, not the wealthiest. With either of these changes we move away from being driven by what our leaders tell us to fear toward a country that is welcoming and welcomed in an increasingly small world.

I'm going to support efforts to reform the way we vote, whether that be through instant run-off voting or proportional distribution of the electoral vote, or some other masterful strategy I've not yet heard of. We saw record voter turnout this year, and this is a good start. Now that we've got people willing to participate, let's see if we can make this democracy more representative.

John Kerry was a pussy. He lost. I'm not surprised, and I knew it would happen. Now that we've got that out of our system, now that this pseudo-liberal farce we call the Democratic party is undergoing regime change of its own, now that we've got four more years of making fun of Bush as he tells us which brown people to hate this week... what's next?


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