Sunday, March 27, 2005

Confessions of a Heroine Addict Redux

I got my title image to work. I rock.

Stop making fun of me. I know jack about CSS. Also jack about photoshop.

Major kudos to anyone who can name all of my heroines.


Blogger Jon said...

But where does the turtle live now?

9:20 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

She's homless. Or naked. Or she's come out of her shell. Or insert another bad joke here.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm. I can't do all of them. But i can do some of them. Uhh, let's start going counter-clockwiseish on the right side. First we have chick from crouching tiger, above her is nancy drew, i believe, then there's willow, then there's someone I don't know, then scully, then CJ (woohoo) from the West Wing, then someone else I don't know. Below her is Zhang Zi...something (crap, I forgot how to spell her name and I'm not going to google it cause that's cheating) although she looks like she did in Hero so I'm not sure if this is Hero or Crouching Tiger, next comes...Florence Nightingale? Then Keira Knigtley and embarassing that i don't know the Indian girl's name which makes me a traitor to my own culture from Bend it Like Beckham, and lastly what's her face from LoTR. Eowyn? Or was that her brother? Jesus, what kind of a nerd am I? Embarassing. Sorry, best effort ;)


10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great lookin site, lady... I can figure out all of them except the electricity lady in the middle... at least, I can figure out where they're from, but my brain's completely shut down where I can't remember the name of the woman from league of extraordinary gentleman or the older actress from crouching tiger... plus I haven't seen bend it like beckham, so can't name their characters...

good job again, though...

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great lookin site, lady... I can figure out all of them except the electricity lady in the middle... at least, I can figure out where they're from, but my brain's completely shut down where I can't remember the name of the woman from league of extraordinary gentleman or the older actress from crouching tiger... plus I haven't seen bend it like beckham, so can't name their characters...

good job again, though...

12:03 PM  

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