Monday, May 24, 2004

Dear you,

Stop pussy footing around and say what you mean. Stop assuming that I feel some kind of onerous obligation toward you. For that matter, it's really rather insulting that you assume I would offer and not mean it. The implication is that I am brown-nosing you, and that implication is rather silly, as I would gain nothing from doing so. If I didn't have the time or inclination, I wouldn't offer. If you don't want me to, just fucking say so. It's not that difficult.

If I don't want to help someone, I don't offer. If I have other obligations that come first, I am up front about them. I also don't mind if you refuse. What I hate is that you refuse with the assumption that I would rather be doing something else. Don't be an asshole. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't game for it.

I have my suspicions as to what this is all about. Someone seems to have left the door ajar, as that pesky elephant is back in the room. And I don't have the energy to do more than write anonymous letters about it in a venue that you don't even know exists.

Your frustrated friend,


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