1) Got new (to me) clothes today. They look smart, but I definitely don't look like my old size 8 self in them. Oh, well. At least they cover The Chunk.
2) The radio was endless amusement today. First it made me want to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Then it cracked my shit up with a way-back track from the junior high days. No, I am not down with OPP. Clearly, I am down with station flipping.
3) Went out to dinner with Chris. Had Thai. Was yum. Made the mistake of telling him that the women in Penny's class occasionally referred to Matt as "Hot Matt" or some variation thereof. He threatened to inform Hot Matt that his sociology classmates all had crushes on him. I reminded him that there's a difference between having a crush on someone and thinking they're yummy to look at. I did so without mentioning examples. I am a pillar of self-restraint. Damn, that could have been funny.
4) Forrest's visit last weekend was not as full of juicy Duluth gossip as it could have been. Still, I got some interesting bits about old acquaintances. (Hehe... I am cryptic and evil.)
5) [cryptic] The months of August and September of last year must have been very interesting for some people of my acquaintance, if gossip holds true. And to think I had a hand in it... [/cryptic]
6) Hi Ryan and Darren (and Kyle, too!). I hope you all are having a good holiday at home.
7) I'm off to write about the institutionalization of fear, uncertainty, and shame into the TA and instructor training process in higher education. Wish me luck.
EDIT: Saw one of the most distubing pieces of candy today. Really, I was perplexed: what is the appeal of chocolate crucifixes? I can dig the whole "Easter is about Jesus" thing that christians like to emphasize (it's also about spring and fertility and other lovely things, but surely the christians came first... right....), but we're talking about a chocolate version of the instrument that some people believe was used to kill the spawn of their maker. What, did he die from forcible chocolate ingestion? Death by glucose elevation? "Look, kids, you can rot your teeth with impunity and not even come close to the pain our lord felt!"
Really, I'll stick to my cadbury's and my heathen beliefs. Hoppy spring, all!